
Friday, August 21, 2009
WOW I'm super pumped up! I really can't explain it. I'm starting to feel that I may know my "LANE" (got that from Shine '09, baby!) And let's be honest... I may be wrong in what I think the future holds, but the fact that I now feel that I have direction from God is great for me!

I have been doing certain things in my life over the past week or two to really focus on me, my relationship with God and our closeness with each other. It's going well.... but I still stumble and that annoys me. I try not to beat myself up and keep it moving! God is Good.. All the time! and All The Time... God is Good!

I am about to bounce around a bit (hence "Inside A Random Brain"), but you should be able to put it all together.

My church is Celebration Church. I used to say in Jacksonville, Florida but that is just where I attend. We are now worldwide. LITERALLY! We have tons of campuses in Africa, Costa Rica, Georgia, Florida and who knows where else. We also have what we call "Extension Gatherings". This is a really cool idea and a great opportunity. What it is, is our entire church service put onto a DVD and then a "Host" hosts a church service anywhere in the world. We have these in Columbus, Ohio (where I came from); Iraq, Ireland, all over the United States, etc.

See, in Matthew the Great Commision talks about reaching the world. This is totally amazing how we are doing it... and not by selling HOLY WATER or a towel that our pastor wiped his browel with (yes, I've seen "preachers" that sell this crap). Our church is doing this by prayer and faith. You really have to experience what the Holy Spirit is doing throughout Celebration!

Ok... So, last Saturday night I walk up to Pastor Big John (our extension gathering pastor) as after service I sometimes go say hi to one of our pastors. We begin to talk about the E.G. in Columbus. I explain that alot of my old friends from up there have agreed to go to a service but just haven't made it up. Well, he starts asking me questions and I answer. I didn't realize it at the time, but now I think he was trying to see how many people I truly felt would check out the E.G.

Next thing I know, I'm invited to drive up with him that weekend, go to the USC vs OSU game (at the horse shoe, baby!!!) and partake in service at our Columbus E.G.

SIDENOTE: Our pastors are annointed. I just can't put this into words. I have yet to feel misled or misadvised by any of our pastors. I try to talk to our pastors at different times and try to slowly get to know them. Let me explain. We have like 12,000 + members at our church. I think that's a correct figure (sorry if i'm a little off). So, we have our Senior Pastor (Pastor Stovall Weems) and a number of other pastors. Every one of them are amazing and preach SCRIPTURE! And to hang out or talk with any one of them, you just truly feel they are annointed.

Ok, so that being said, we are waiting on the final approval I guess to go up there to Columbus on the weekend of September 13th. I'm super stoked! For me (other Celebrationers will understand this), the fact that I get to ride for 12 + hours there, and the same coming back, plus hang out all weekend with one of our pastors is awesome! Think about it! I get free counseling with no time restraints!!! hahaha. but, seriously.. I'm so excited to hopefully be given the chance to do my part in the Great Commision for the body of Christ. I love and miss Columbus. I want to see all of my old friends and acquantances in Heaven with me, and I pray that God uses me as His instrument.

A MORE SERIOUS NOTE: I'm asking all of you that read this... Whether you are part of Celebration or not... Please pray. Please fast. Please forward this request on. Stand in agreement with me that MY GOD uses me for HIS will and HIS glory. That the Holy Spirit begins to work in my contacts in Columbus and begin to move... Begin to convict... Begin to stir something up inside each one of them. Of course I want them all to go to Celebration, but more importantly, I want them to give their souls to Christ and who cares what church it happens at! Again - Please pray and fast and stand in agreement with me. And pray for me, that only HIS words come out of my mouth and my fingers as I text (lol). Thank you all!

So, on a completely different subject... I sometimes get hungry for wifey, and/or family, etc. Well, when I do I remember to keep my focus on God and it will just happen. But, just a couple of days ago, a random thought popped into my head (I'm not saying it was God talking to me, but probably just a thought.. not sure), and this thought was "but we are supposed to aggressively search for our blessings". The word aggressively was another word, but I cant remember what it was at this second. Anyway, so do I stand patiently and keep my focus on God as I've been trying to do, or do I search for said blessing? At this point, I personally think that I keep my focus on Him, but what do you guys think? Any scriptures to help?

As I sit here and drink my orange juice, I just remembered Wednesday night service. WOW. For my Celebrationers, what was that? I mean, our alter call was a sermon in itself! Extended worship, powerful alter call... WOW. Talk about a moving spirit. I was literally in awe!

Ok, I'm done for tonight. I really need some feedback from you guys here. On all of this entry!

Oh, one more thing. Check out Blameless at from there you can follow them on twitter, listen to their music, watch their music videos, and check out the YouTube TV Channel!



Beth Anne said...

Great Post, Chris! I just want to encourage you to continue to pray and pray and pray for your Columbus crew! The great thing is that as much as you want them in the kingdom and to experience everything God has for them, God desires it infinitely more! So, open the gate of Heaven more, by praying and iviting God to move in their lives!
I think it is soooo awesome that you might get to spend some QT with Pastor John too! :) I loved his message the other night!
Finally, I hear ya on the gettin' hitched and finding loooove!! <3 Sometimes all I can fall back on are these truths:
*God gives us the desires of our heart (so either He gave us the desire to be married or as we seek Him, He will give us NEW desires that align with His plan),
*We are His beloved children and just like a doting father, He enjoyes lavishing that love on us,
*All things work out for the good of those who love Him
*His ways are higher than mine and His timing is perfect (rushing things will get us no where, if you really want to be the best husband you can be then don't you want to wait for His perfect time, since He sees the end of the beginning and knows all the "training" and qualities you will need to have a fulfilling and kingdom-minded relationship with a wife that you know how to truly honor like Christ loves the church?)
*I could prob come up with more but enough for now lol
My advice on to move or not to make a move: chill until you get all the 'right' signals and you are confident that God will bless it! (I'm not saying that you hear the booming voice of God really, but that you know what/who you want to pursue aligns with the Word of God and what you know to be the path He has for your life...)
Hope I made sense, Beth

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