Involved Vs. Committed

Thursday, July 7, 2011
2 Corinthians 8:5

I love what Coach Lou Holtz, a former South Carolina football coach, has said about his team at the beginning of many seasons. He says they remind him of the Kamikaze pilot who flew fifty missions--involved, but not committed. He says a lot of players get involved, but time will tell if they're really committed to the cause for the good of the team, and if they're committed to helping the team be a good success.

On a team, in the office or in the church, we have a lot of folks who are involved, but not enough are committed who will get the job done, no matter what it takes. ow about you, when it comes to your life and your responsibilities? Are you just invoolved, or are you committed to do yoru best for the good of the team, the group, and all concerned? Most of all, are you committed to do your best for the glory of God, to please Him before anyone else? That's always the key to ultimate success.

-Right From The Heart 1 Minute Devotions


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