And It Begins!

Saturday, January 9, 2010
It is 11:05pm on Saturday night. I don't know what time it will be when I actually click on "PUBLISH POST".

Tonight is the night before the fast begins. Our Saturday night service was good. Pastor Stovall puts things in different perspectives. It's so refreshing to look at things in a different light! Service and worship were great, but honestly, they always are at Celebration Church.

I feel that I am prepared for the fast. I have figured out what I am going to fast, and my priorities, etc.

Well... Then LateNite. WOW! First of all, our worship was good, as it always is. After the third song, one of our CLC people came up and began to talk about Pastor Josh Turner's daughter, Riley. She is on life support now, from my understanding. Well, as soon as she began to tell us about Riley, God just broke me down. I don't know why. The Holy Spirit just but such a heavy feeling on my heart. I just began worshiping God, and praying for the Turner family..... tears racing down my face. I still do not understand why this heavy heart, but it was there... and still is.

Speaking of which, please pray for them. Not just a quick prayer, but lift the Turner's up to your creator, your savior, your comforter. Stand in agreement with Josh Turner in the name of Jesus.

I promised to blog daily. This is today's. I've experienced the Holy Spirit in a thick, almost like... wow, I really don't know how to explain it. It's unlike anything we are used to in a natural sense. And the fast hasn't even started yet!

For any of you reading this that are partaking in this fast, I warn you that God is going to do amazing things! Be ready for His holy, just and righteous hand to move in your life. Thank you Jesus!



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