A True Blog Entry

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
This is going to be a long one! lol

Ok, so two weeks ago, a friend of mine from Columbus, Ohio came to visit.
We have known each other for quite awhile now, and when I went back to Columbus the last time for the Celebration E.G. up there, she started attending. Well, she came down here for a week to visit me, and to check out Celebration in person.

Her first 3 days here, all we did was eat and go to movies. I told her that we have to do different things that she can't do in Columbus. Well, I think her first or second night here we went to the beach at night. That was neat. I'm still a little confused on what was running all over the ground chasing us LOL. So, the rest of the week, we attempted to camp on the beach (3am and still couldn't get the tent to go up), more movies, Jacksonville Zoo, and thanks to Justin and Allishia, we go to go to the fair and hang out on his parents yacht. It ended up being a good week.

More importantly, I think that her sitting in Midweek, Saturday Service and LateNite all in person, I think God really worked on her. Especially at LateNite. Overall, Courtney and I had a great time.

Then we drove back to Columbus. I dropped her off and stayed the night at Rish's, then went to Indy'ish to see my family. I had a great time there and got to see my step dad, whom has cancer. I also got to visit with my grandparents, sister, brother and his kids. I'm worried about my step dad, and also about my mom, because this is wearing her down.

And just so you all know, my mom said me and Johnna were supposed to look like we were trying to give him a kiss in this picture, but for some reason, it looks like I was smelling him LOL. No, he's not rotting ROFL

Then I go back to Columbus for the weekend. Talk to different friends and invite them all to Church on Sunday. I think we had like 25 Sunday, which was a good turn out. Plus, I got to see some old friends that I haven't got to see for awhile. I just hope and pray that they enjoyed it, was touched by the message, and continue to go. I really feel that if the E.G. grows enough, that Celebration may actually open up an campus up there which would probably live feed the services into there. I'm not sure what God has in store for the future, but I could totally see a Celebration movement in Columbus! It's already starting, actually. Thanks to Dax and Kelli!

So, I drive home Monday morning. Sunday afternoon before I went to bed I burnt a bunch of Praise and Worship cd's. I was determined to give those 12 hours of that drive to God and just embrace His presence. Well, it was a good ride. I think He had planned it like that, because I ended up with a total of 13 worship cd's, and I pulled up to my house having listened to each one with only one song left on the last cd. LOL. I truly couldn't have done it better even if I had tried to calculate the time and everything. Every cd, every song listened to once, pulled up to my house as the very last song on the very last cd was about to play. I'm totally amazed!

So, I realized something this week. And some of you may try to read into this, but please don't. Chances are great that it's not what you are thinking lol. But, as a single man, or as I'm sure a single woman also, if you are not dating, you may go through times of loneliness. We have all experienced that. Well, I haven't had that feeling in a really long time. Looking back, I think that it is because I fill that void with God and His will, which in return He shows me favor and blocks the pain of loneliness out of my heart. Well, I have also realized here recently that we (or at least for me) can open that back up. I think that we cause loneliness ourselves. I think that we act on actions, or pursue feelings, emotions or people that cracks our hearts open to loneliness. See, the week before I went up to Columbus, I think that I cracked my heart open, and I noticed that when I got to Columbus I started trying to get a hold of all the past girls that I had talked to. Thank God they were all busy or had boyfriends or engaged. I'm not sure if it was that night, or the next day or when, but I realized at that time I created the loneliness in myself, which at that point made me weak and was trying to fill the loneliness with a past "person" which may have resulted in more sin. Even though I did it to myself though, God helped me overcome it.

So, here is a question. I'm a promoter by nature, by heart. I love people, socializing and talking people into and out of things. I have been like this since I was probably in the womb. So, is there a line that you can cross when inviting someone to church? "come with me to church so you can be saved". ok, no one would probably come with that one. "come with me cause our pastor is crazier than i am and hes pretty funny too". that'll bring some. "man, you owe me cause i used to go to your crazy parties, so come to church one time cause you owe me". how about that one? "look, if you dont like church, then you definately need to come. my church is for people who cant stand church". and it could go on and on. but do you see what I'm saying? Is there a line to cross, or if the heart is in the right place, do you just keep inviting, no matter what gets people in the door?

How about this? My clothing line, "Not Ashamed". The purpose is to make a statement that you are not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. My secondary agenda is to help a timid Christian have an opportunity to stand up for Christ, and possibly give them an opportunity to witness to the lost. But, last night I had a conversation with a model that I helped get her start back when I had my record label. She is now in Hollywood and L.A. and also claims to be an athiest. So, I asked her half-jokingly to help me get my line out there, and she seemed receptive, but said she didn't want to be a hypocrite. So, I was like, well, just don't wear the shirts with Scriptures on them and let the Not Ashamed speak for itself. You're not ashamed of who you are or what you do, right? ...... ok, so my question is, is this wrong? I know what my purpose of "Not Ashamed" is, and everyone around me does. Including her. But, then I get into my sales mode, or promotions mode and say whatever it takes to get the other end to receive. Let me get some feedback!

God is good! I wish everyone could experience what's going on inside of me. I was telling Sissy the other day that I can't explain my feelings/emotions. Like, I don't have words for them. It's incredible. I mean, think about this. Us humans are born into sin. Born dirty, filthy and evil. Yet, we are God's favorite creation. We stand above everything else that He has created. He loves us all the same, even those of us or constantly turn our backs on Him and hurt Him. Can you say love? LOVE! I love Jesus!

I pray for everyone reading this that you have a great week, and that the Lord touch's you in some way!


Also, my clothing line, "Not Ashamed" has just put up a blog. Feel free to check it out and follow at http://nashamed.blogspot.com


Anonymous said...

MOG....lol Love ya Chris. Just stay strong in the word and the Holy Spirit will always give you the words to say, whether it be to invite someone to church or to witness to an atheist. God will bless you for your heart at work :)

Anonymous said...

Son...I pray you are in some small groups that discuss stuff like this. Getting the mind to work along with the soul. Getting feed back from older men....ones that have been to the places where you are. Believe it or not I was worried about you being in Colombus. I knew there would be a struggle. Im reading a book right now.."A woman after God's own Heart." It states we should pray about everything....little and big....building that relationship with our Father.
Something that I want for myself...I want what God wants for my life. I am tired of the struggles of doing things my way. If it is His will then all is good. If it isn't good then its just not worth it. God will definately fill your lonliness...and He will send you the people your way that can also help...in His time...In His way....you have come a long way this past year.....stay faithful and true....His rewards are wonderful!
I know you toy with the idea of if your motive is right....The above commentor has good advice...Seek His Word....Take Up His Armor...Let the Holy Spirit be your guide
Love you son....never stop wondering!!
By the way....I will be fine... ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh yes...it was sand crabs that was running all over the tops of your feet.....you used to be scared of them when you were little and we were in Alabama! :)

Anonymous said...

So much seems to be going on... so much to pray about and when I pray I know I cant remember it all but I know God knows my heart... It seems I am always trying to take care of someone else and never take care of myself and I believe God really wants me to start taking care of me then everything else would be so much easier... I have read all you have on this site and I am really touched by you... God brought us together for a reason even if we met at not such a good place... we have come a long way since then and I am greatful for my bother through Christ Chris Stone... thanks for thinking of me and loving me enough to say hey how was your day... or are you going to church this morning... you may think I am avoiding you but really I am not... I dont go to bars or clubs or drink or party so thats not keeping me from church and I have no excuse of why I have not been going besides I cant get to sleep at night which I would usually be in bed by 10pm and up no later that 7am... I have full intentions so getting up sunday morning and go to church here in columbus, I was so touched when i went my first time and said i would continue to go... I would just like to say I love what you are doing keep it up and I pray that so many people that you met here in OH would follow in your footsteps because thats whats up... God is whats up... please pray for me... I would love to be a member of celebration church here in Ohio and eventually in jacksonville... love your site God Bless

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